The perfect place to start!
A combination of pre-ballet, tap and creative movement.
Just right for pre-school and early elementary years.
Check out our Spring Specials!
Add your name to the waitlist and then register for your back-up choice. As families adjust schedules, we often are able to get students off the waitlist and into their first-choice class. Dancers on the waitlist also get first choice on any new class times we open.
Depending on which location and dance room your class is scheduled for, class is capped between 8-14 dancers. Our classes with 8 or more students will have a teacher and 1-2 assistant teachers.
Ballet slippers and tap shoes for all of our dancers, and a leotard and tights or leggings for girls, solid color shorts or athletic pants and t-shirt for boys. We do not require specific colors at this age (although pink and purple remain our most popular dance dress choices for sure!). If your leotard comes with a skirt, we ask that it is above knee length to allow your dancer to move freely. Please leave any large or distracting accessories at home.
For the 2024-25 season, all of our dancers may have one adult spectator with them and siblings when necessary. We have large observations windows for each dance room.